5x connector plug M10 4 Cable RGB Strips 10mm board ready

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Connector for RGB LED Strips LED strip LED bar Felx

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connector adapter f & uumlr RGB Strips f & uumlr flexible RGB 3 Channel board in 10mm Ready

The Strip to Strip adapter is the L & oumlsung if you want to connect or leasing & aumlngern LED Strips, without l & oumlten to m & uumlssen. With about 13 cm Kabell & aumlnge per adapter you have more flexibility in the lighting design. Or m & oumlchten you lay the strips around a corner, but not d & uumlrfen the board turn? Again, the adapter is oumlsung with its flexible cable, the L.

The adapter is oumlffnet side & Artikel Ãœbersicht a clip closure ge & including the contact points are visible. This place is now easy on the contact points at the end of the LED strips. szligen the clip closure closing & and both components are clean interconnected without further L & oumltarbeit.

There are various adapters. Please pr & uumlfen you first how many points of contact your LED Strips have (4 for RGB strips, two in plain strips). Measure, this is available in versions of 8 mm, the width of the board to 12th Now k You oumlnnen the appropriate adapter & Artikel Ãœbersicht our online shop recl & aumlhlen. Each package contains 5 Strip to Strip Adapter

important installation instructions:.

first If the L & oumltpunkte are still too high to fit into the adapter, k you oumlnnen some of the L & oumltzinn remove yourself until the strip into the adapter fits.

second Adapters are not f & uumlr waterproof LED strips suitable because they do not have water protection attachment and thus are szlig too large and to fit into the adapter.

3rd Adapter supported & uumltzt the strips Welsh max to 60 LEDs per meter

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